Brenna R. Kays
Brenna is a Ph.D. candidate with Tropical Rivers Lab at Florida International University. Her research aims to incorporate environmental justice and community based management to enhance social equity, stakeholder support and engagement for urban ecological restoration.
She completed her B.A. in Sustainability and the Environment with FIU in 2015 with a minor in Biology, while working with the Dominican American National Foundation and the Children's Trust to develop youth development programs for low-income Latine communities of Allapattah, FL. After participating in the Tropical Conservation Institute's undergraduate internship program, she continued her network analysis research on conservation organizations in South Florida and the Amazon as the Tropical Rivers Lab manager. An environmental educator with over 10 years of experience, she has worked as a graduate research assistant with the education teams at the Deering Estate and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden to develop and facilitate K-12 Environmental Education programming.
She has served on the organizing committee for ComSciCon Miami 2019 and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity student group of the Society for Freshwater Sciences and organized a special session and symposium for SFS 2019 and ATBC 2020, respectively.